I moved from Palermo, right near the Embassy, to
Belgrano, a neighborhood about twenty minutes north-ish of the American Embassy. It is a great neighborhood, much more residential than where my old apartment was and easy to use the bus.
Problem? When I moved in, it had furniture from the 1980s, and dirty curtains, and was decked out like the set for a porn film.
In order to clean it up, I have fallen off the map for the last two weeks. I painted, received my two shipments from Washington and Kabul, and started trying to make all the stuff I own, most of which I don't need, into one apartment.
Eventually, I have to get back to life, exploring the city, making friends, staying in touch with old friends,
and basically getting settled.

I am still in the process as my landlord is the U.S. Embassy and they control the resources to get stuff cleaned up. I could make a two page list of things that need fixing...including the oven, the lights, the locks...but hey, at least my stuff is here.
So - phase 1 - prepainting. You can see the living room, kitchen, and main bedroom.
Next will come the paint photos and then, if I ever finish, finally, will come the photos with furniture.
My second visitor arrives this Saturday (and the first that is staying with me) so I have to get it all done by Friday - fingers crossed.